Saturday, May 9, 2009

Finished the Duatholon

I am just coming off of a huge adrenaline high. I was so nervous to do this race. First race of my whole life. So I started out on the run dead last. the best part about that is that no one ever passed me (except 2 major athletes that got lost and ran 2 extra miles). I passed 4 people in the run and then about 8 people in the bike. I ran the 3.2 miles faster than I ever thought I could which was 34min45seconds ish. I must have done the bike in 55 minutes which includes the getting ready. My total time was 1 hour 30 minutes. I beat my best friend by 30 seconds she almost caught me on the bike, after I got out before her.

After I crossed the finish line I went to take my feet out of the clips and my ankles cramped up so bad that I feel to the ground in pain. One foot was still even in the bike. I actually screamed in pain they hurt so bad. A nice guy came over and gave me some cramp up pills and helped myemoved my ankles some. I seriously couldn't moved them at all, and they hurt as bad as bearing children.
At least I provided some good entertainment for the crowd. Thank you for everyone who supported me and talked me into doing it.


Yeehaw said...

Nice job Michelle! I knew you could do it, you little spinning fool.

Diane said...

That's awesome Michelle!! Congrats!!

softhef said...

you are amazing. be grateful your ankles cramped on land and not in the water :)

Janel said...

That's great Michelle! Cramps in bed are bad enough I can't imagine one like that! You are amazing!

I'm confused was this the race in Logan? If so sorry I got the months confused.

Unknown said...

You're a maniac Michelle! I'm so not surprised you did this. I admire your strength and determination. Dang girl!

lynsey said...

you are so awesome! congratulations!

Diane said...

Hey Michelle!! How are you doing? how was your move? Make a new blog post!!!